The Workshop on India’s approach to data protection and the law was organised by the Scientifique Society of AVMC on 27/06/2024 at 2.30 PM at Smt. Annapoorani Mini Auditorium. The programme commenced with a welcome address by Dr S. Deepa, President of the Scientifique Society. Dr. Rakesh Sehgal, Dean of AVMC presided over and addressed the gathering.
Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi, Dean, Health Profession Education introduced the speaker, Dr Ananth Padmanabhan Dean, of Vinayaka Mission Law School.
The resource person, Dr Ananth Padmanabhan, highlighted the data risks in the health sector and elaborated on the Data Protection Act 2023 of India in detail. The session was interactive with active participants from the faculty members, Postgraduates and researchers. Scenario-based hands-on sessions were conducted with 8 groups of participants, will queries being cleared.
The programme ended with a Vote of thanks By Dr.Ezhil Rajan Vice President, Scientifique Society.