Revised Basic Course (RBCW) was organized, planned, and implemented as per NMC guidelines through the Regional Centre JIPMER by Medical Education Unit, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital. The first day started with registration at 8.30 am on 11.04.2022 followed by a pre-test by all participants. All the three days from 11 to 13 04.22all topics were well presented and vigorous discussions took place with more interactions with more group activities. All three days displayed good teamwork and a fair amount of brainstorming. The faculty remained very enthusiastic till the end of the workshop. All participants were asked to give feedback at the end of Pre tea, post-tea & end of each day by Google form and collective Program feedback was also taken for all three days at the end of the third day after the post-test. After the last session of the 3rd day, a Valedictory function was conducted in which Dr. B.R. Asokan, MEU, Coordinator, welcomed all. Dean HPE, Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi presented the statistics of rBCW training for AVMC faculty she said baring a few (< 10) faculty members all faculty have been trained in rBCW (> 95%)and 50% in CISP Program. Dean Prof. P.F. Kotur appreciated all participants for the interest shown even at the last minute of the workshop. He also requested all participants to come forward and get actively involved in MEU activities and develop good network activity for the growth of medical education. The NMC Observer, Dr. Mahalakshmy T, Convenor, NTTC, JIPMER, in her closing speech was quite generous with her praise for the contents of the programme, the presentations, and the enthusiastic faculty participation. Finally, the vote of thanks was delivered by the Dean HPE, V.N, Mahalakshmi. In her speech, she thanked the Management and the Dean for the support and guidance and all the cooperation rendered by all facilitators and MEU Faculties. Finally, the workshop ended successfully with the certificate distribution followed by honoring of resource faculties.