
Quality Initiatives - Academic
Impact analysis of the various initiatives carried out and used for quality improvement. All students are assigned with mentors and analysed every month with their performance in academics, clinics and discipline. The mentors will identify the striving and advanced learners in the second Internal assessment examination. Striving learners were motivated and encouraged for remedial classes after the college hours and 90% of the student were passed through Final University Examination. Advanced learners were encouraged to attend the state and national level conference with their presentation (Poster and Paper) compulsory and many of the students have been won the best paper and poster award in conferences. They are also encouraged to do short projects and most of them get seed money from ICMR. All of their projects are published in National and International indexed journals. All the students were given financial support for attending and presenting at the conference, seed money for short projects, scholarships for students under government schemes and fees reduction for the parents working in the Institution. The Student Council was created from the date of establishment of the MBBS course and other courses. The Student Council administrative representative was identified for every year and they were included in all mandatory committees their suggestions were taken and the final decision will be made to their suggestion.
Stakeholders Participation In The Decision Making Bodies
- Parents – Teachers meetings are conducted for student progress.
- Council meetings with all the concerned committees, heads and staff enable to take progressive decisions.
- Monthly once or whenever necessary regular meetings are held.
- Dean and HOD’s are members and conveners of the various committees.
The Grievance committee takes action to solve the problems faced by the students and faculty. Committees are formed for the effective and efficient functioning of the college. The Sports and Cultural committee comprises staff and students working together under the guidance of the Dean. Cultural meet and sports day are conducted every year to encourage the maximum student participation and explore their talents. Students take up the responsibility to host cultural events successfully under the guidance of Dean, Dean-HPE, Medical Superintendent (MS), Vice-principal and Faculty in-charge. During college annual day the institution felicitates the students for their academic and clinical excellence as well as their co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Students are encouraged to participate in inter-collegiate cultural and sports competitions. The anti-ragging committee, Grievance redressal committee, Women empowerment cell and Internal compliance committee are constituted with student representatives. The editorial committee upload all the events which were organized by the institution on the college website.
Quality Initiatives - Environment
Approximately 30% of the power requirement of our Institute met by the following renewable energy sources:
- The solar energy water heater in all the hostels.
- Solar energy steamer in college mess and canteen for cooking foods.
- 90% of streetlamps and 50% of lights inside the building were replaced using LED lights.
- Sensor-based energy conservation for LED lamps in corridors.
- Our buildings are constructed in such a way to access natural sunlight and air circulation.
- Our building is not more than the first floor, so we have ramps with rails for patients and avoid electrical operating lifts.