Post Graduate

Goals and Objectives
AVMC strictly adheres to the NATIONAL MEDICAL COMMISSION’s postgraduate medical education regulations.
The goal of postgraduate medical education shall be to produce competent specialists and /or Medical teachers, who shall….
- Recognize the health needs of the community, and carry out professional obligations ethically and in keeping with the objectives of the national health policy;
- Mastered most of the competencies, pertaining to the specialty, that are required to be practiced at the secondary and the tertiary levels of the health care delivery system;
- Aware of the contemporary advances and developments in the discipline concerned;
- Acquire a spirit of scientific inquiry and is oriented to the principles of research methodology and epidemiology; and
- Acquired the basic skills in the teaching of medical and paramedical professionals.
Components of the Postgraduate Curriculum
The major components of the Postgraduate curriculum shall be:
- Theoretical knowledge
- Practical and clinical skills
- Writing Thesis/Research articles
- Attitudes including Communication skills.
- Training in Research Methodology, Medical Ethics and Medico-legal aspects
- Basics of statistics to understand and critically evaluate published research papers
- Exposure to human behavior studies
- District Residency Program
Educational & Training Programs
Training programmers for the award of various Post Graduate degrees shall include the following
- Participation in the teaching and training of undergraduate students and interns.
- The Post-Graduate students are designated officially as ‘Junior Resident’ in Clinical departments and ‘Tutor’ in pre & para clinical departments, which are considered as teaching posts. The Post Graduate students have the responsibility for active participation in the teaching and training of UG students / peers and Allied Health Professionals in the form of small group discussions, case-based discussions, bedside clinics and skills training programs. They are required to conduct the classes as assigned to them by the HODs.
- Training in Medical Audit, Management, Health Economics, Health Information System, basics of statistics, exposure to human behavior studies, knowledge of pharmaco-economics and introduction to non- linear mathematics shall be imparted to the Post Graduate students.
- In the basic sciences, the training of the students will include Lectures, Seminars, Journal Clubs, Group Discussions, participation in laboratory and experimental work, involvement in research studies in the concerned specialty and exposure to the applied aspects of the subject relevant to clinical specialties.
- In the clinical disciplines, training of the students will include graded responsibility in the management and treatment of patients entrusted to their care. The level of competence will be judged in Seminars, Journal clubs, Group Discussions, Clinical Meetings, Grand rounds, and Clinico – Pathological Conferences, practical training in diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment using feedbacks. Training will include exposure in the Basic Medical Sciences, as well as in allied clinical specialties. Periodic performance appraisal of their competencies as well as attendance will be done once in 6 months (every term).
Orientation Programs
- To enable the smooth transition of the Post Graduate students into the specialty, efforts will be taken by the departments and institution, to conduct focused orientation and induction training programs for the incoming students.
- Departmental orientation; Post Graduate students undergo an orientation program in their department for 10 days, immediately after they join. These sessions cover various topics on the foundational / core competencies of the specialty concerned.
- Service Orientation focuses on Goals, rules and regulations with regard to the PG program, Skills training, Research work, Roles and Responsibilities of the PG students. This would be done as soon as the admission process is completed and shall be organized by the Medical Education Unit.
- Practice Orientation and Training program – Organized by the Medical Education Unit, this 3 days’ program shall focus on the basics of Competency based Medical Education & shall discuss in detail the various competencies Post Graduate students need to acquire in their training and how to acquire them. The program will be held 1 – 2 months after the Post Graduate students join.
- research Orientation & Protocol preparation workshop – The Program will be organized by the Institutional Research Committee and focuses on the components of Post Graduate Dissertation to help the PG students prepare robust protocols to under take their research. This will be usually held 3 months after the Post Graduate joins the course.
Allied Health Sciences Courses Offered
- To facilitate the applied basic sciences training for Post Graduate students, Multi-disciplinary symposia will be conducted fortnightly in the institution. Attendance in these sessions are mandatory for all first year PG students.
BlS, aClS Training
- As per Institution policy, all Post Graduate students will be trained and certified in BLS and ACLS as per the current guidelines. It is mandatory for all Post Graduate students to complete the BLS/ ACLS training. In addition, Post Graduate students in pediatrics will also be trained in PALS and NALS courses.
Participation in other academic activities
- The institute organizes regular training programs, refresher courses and other academic activities for Post Graduate students on a regular basis. It is mandatory for Post Graduate students to actively participate & learn from these programs. Similarly, Post Graduate students of AVMC are actively encouraged to participate in CMEs, Conferences, Skill development workshops and other academic/ research exchange programs.
Intramural and Extramural rotations
- All rotations of PG Students shall be assigned as per the CBME Curriculum Guideline of the specialty concerned in accordance to the departmental policy.
- Intramural rotations within the Institute in different related specialties including super-specialty departments will be preferred whenever available and feasible.
- Extra-mural rotations (outside the Institute) are permissible up to a maximum of three months for specific purposes (i.e.) to fulfill a learning need.
- All extramural rotations will be based in reputed Government Institutions, as recommended by Heads of Departments and approved by the Post Graduate Training Committee.
- Rotations will be restricted to Government Teaching institutions.
- As a policy, rotational posting to private clinics will be actively discouraged.
- During rotation period, sufficient no. of postgraduates must be retained in the parent department so that working of the college / hospital is not affected (i.e.) All students in a batch must not be sent out at the same time.
- A portfolio/ detailed logbook will be maintained by all postgraduates specifying the purpose of the posting. The PG students should also produce a report obtained from the Institute wherein the student was posted, as regards to satisfactory attendance and quality of work done by them. This report must also specify what competencies/ skills the candidate has gained during the rotation.
- Before sending a candidate for rotation, sanction must be obtained in writing from the authorities of the recipient institutions through the Office of the Dean.