AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

“Need-Based Training Program” titled “உயர் திறம்”  

Need-based Training Programme “ Life skill” on Communication Skill. Roleplay was organized by the Human Resource department and IQAC for all Non-teaching, clerical, Administrative Staff, Technicians, Nursing staff of AVMC, VMCON, and ASLP by Ms. Rama, Counselor on 31.03.2022 at Anna Poorna Hall.  About 70 participants participated in the session and gained knowledge on the effects and mode of communication.

Training Program TopicCommunication Skills – Roleplay
Resource Person:Ms. Rama, Students counselor
Date:31.03.2022 (Thursday)
Time :2:30pm to 3:30pm
Venue :Annapoorni Hall, AVMC
Applicable for :All Clerical/Admin, Technicians, and Nursing staff