AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

Memorandum of understanding
and Collaborations

Title of the Collaborative activity Name of the collaborating agency with contact details Name of the participants  Source of financial support Year of collaboration Duration Nature of the activity
To assess whether acne-affected and healthy skin areas are colonized by different P.acnes phylotypes. Dept. of Biomedicine  AARHUS University, Denmark  Mrs. Sowmiya SELF 2017 365 Research
Molecular mechanics and quantum chemical calculations unveil the combating effect of baicalein on human islet amyloid polypepetide aggregates Bioinformatics Lab, Department of biotechnology, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore Dr. S. Ravikumar SELF 2018 730 Research
Dissecting the role of gut microbiome in PCOS susceptibility in Indian population using metagenomic and multi-omic approaches. Department of Microbiology, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry Dr. R. Latha SERB (applied) 2019 1095 Research
Exchange of student and faculty members for joint research programs, seminar and workshop summer programs and interships Naresuan University, Phitsanulek, Thailand  Dr. Anusheya Institute funding 2015 1825 student and Faculty exchange
e-learning program about various liver diseases Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences Dr. Sowmiya Institute funding 2016 1095 Research
Prevalence and distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) uterine cervical infection among married tribal and non- tribal women of Andaman and Nicobar Islands  Regional Medical Research Centre (Indian Council of Medical Research) Dr. R.  Jawahar ICMR intramural funding 2019 2 Research
SMART DNAprep 30M Genomics Dr. S. Ravikumar Industry – Institute funding 2020 3 Research