Memorandum of understanding
and Collaborations
Title of the Collaborative activity | Name of the collaborating agency with contact details | Name of the participants | Source of financial support | Year of collaboration | Duration | Nature of the activity |
To assess whether acne-affected and healthy skin areas are colonized by different P.acnes phylotypes. | Dept. of Biomedicine AARHUS University, Denmark | Mrs. Sowmiya | SELF | 2017 | 365 | Research |
Molecular mechanics and quantum chemical calculations unveil the combating effect of baicalein on human islet amyloid polypepetide aggregates | Bioinformatics Lab, Department of biotechnology, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore | Dr. S. Ravikumar | SELF | 2018 | 730 | Research |
Dissecting the role of gut microbiome in PCOS susceptibility in Indian population using metagenomic and multi-omic approaches. | Department of Microbiology, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry | Dr. R. Latha | SERB (applied) | 2019 | 1095 | Research |
Exchange of student and faculty members for joint research programs, seminar and workshop summer programs and interships | Naresuan University, Phitsanulek, Thailand | Dr. Anusheya | Institute funding | 2015 | 1825 | student and Faculty exchange |
e-learning program about various liver diseases | Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences | Dr. Sowmiya | Institute funding | 2016 | 1095 | Research |
Prevalence and distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) uterine cervical infection among married tribal and non- tribal women of Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Regional Medical Research Centre (Indian Council of Medical Research) | Dr. R. Jawahar | ICMR intramural funding | 2019 | 2 | Research |
SMART DNAprep | 30M Genomics | Dr. S. Ravikumar | Industry – Institute funding | 2020 | 3 | Research |