The Journey of life is marked by its constant evolution, twists and turns. These shifts our character and outlook. The preferences, priorities and philosophies enrich the experience and bring changes in growth, discovering the meaning of life. Highlighting the concept “ Changing Preferences, Priorities and Philosophy of Life……Lessons learnt”, Smt. Shanmugasundaram 4th Annual Endowment Internal Oration 2023 was delivered by Dr. Prof. P.F.Kotur, Provost, AVMC on 02.11.2023 at Smt. Annapoorani Shanmugam Sundaram Mini Auditorium, AVMC. Dr. Rakesh Shegal, Dean, AVMC presented his welcome address. Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi Dean HPE, AVMC spoke about the oration. Mr. Suresh Samuel, Board of Management felicitated the oration. Dr. Vishnu Bhat, Advisor-Medical Research, AVMCH introduced the Orator and Dr. Prof. S. Deepa President, Scientifique Society, AVMC expressed the vote of thanks.