Infrastructure – College
The college has 8 departments – 3 pre clinical, 4 para clinical and community medicine departments.
It has a large, roomy dissection hall. Apart from these, there are two demonstration halls and one histology laboratory. Each cadaver is allotted for 8 students. The anatomy museum is the biggest in Pondicherry university area. It is divided into various sections such as embryology, osteology, limbs and head & neck area. There are explanatory notes near each specimen. More than 100 charts are hung on the walls for students to study by themselves.
It has four spacious laboratories and two demonstration halls.
It has its own large, single laboratory. Each student has his/her own work place. This department is the office for international biochemical research. It has PCR Laboratory, which is fully equipped. Many researches are going on. Postgraduate’s students undergo training.
- Major Equipments: Fully Auto Analyzer (Chem Welll) – 1 All Biochemical Parameters including liver function test, Cardiac enzymes, Urine Strip Reader, Semi Auto Analyzer (BIOTRON –BTR, MERCK, ERBA) – 3, ROBONIC HORMONE ANALYZER – 1, Centrifuge (REMI)-1, Colori Metter – 1, Electrolyte Analyzer ROCHE, BIOLYTE, EASY LYTE –PLUSE, STARLYTE) – 4
This has two laboratories and one research lab. The museum has more than 1500 specimens. Specimens from outside the institution come for expert opinion to this department.
- Major Equipments: Mindray BC – (ATO Cell Counter – 1), Star (PT, APTT) – 1Incubator – 1, Binocular Mciroscope -2, Centri fuge (Remi) -1, Water Bath – 1, Hot Air Oven – 1, Differental Count
Various researches are going on in this department. Since experiments on animals are prohibited, all the experiments are recorded on video and projected during laboratory hours for the students to learn. The college ethical committee and college bulletin publication are under the control of department of Pharmacology.
Fully staffed, there are four postgraduates in this department. This department monitors the hygienic aspect of Pondicherry Municipality. This department is conducting many researches. It has excellent laboratory facility.
- Major Equipments: Elisa Reader with washer – 1, Microscope-1, incubator bacteriological -1, hot air oven -1, centrifuge -2, VDRL Rotator – 2, Cabinet for Culture, Glassware and Chemicals for diagnostic Purpose.
Forensic Medicine
The museum of forensic medicine department has a very vide range of lethal weapons, fauna and excellent charts.
Community MedicineThree rural (including one training) and one urban health centers are attached to this department. They cater to the needs of nearby villages. The department has a good museum.
Lecture Halls
There are four lecture halls which are gallery type and air conditioned. Three of them can accommodate 180 students while the fourth one holds 250 students. Each lecture hall has its own audio visual equipments such as LCD projector, OHP & slide projector. The table and benches are individual.
Demo Hall
Each department has two demo halls with the capacity of 75 students. They are equipped with LCD projector and OHP projector.