AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

Central Diagnostic

Vision: To increase the spectrum, coverage and overall efficiency of laboratory testing in the region.

Mission: To offer high quality, efficient and accurate testing with fast and reliable turnaround times.

Central Lab Head:  Dr. Manju. M, Professor, Dept. of Biochemistry

The central Diagnostic Laboratory of Aarupadai Veedu Medical College and Hospital is situated in the hospital block. 


  • Area- 2350 sq. feet; fully air-conditioned and computerized 
  • A spacious blood collection area, IP OP sample collection and result despatch area 
  • Separate processing areas for Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology 
  • Performs around 3000 diagnostic tests per day in areas of Biochemistry, Clinical Pathology, Haematology and Microbiology
  • All test services offered for patients COMPLETELY FREE OF COST. 
  • The lab services are available 24×7.
  • The laboratory is equipped with FULLY automated analysers like Horiba, Mindray, Chemwell, miniVidas etc. 
  • Qualified consultants from the three departments of biochemistry, pathology, and microbiology take part in the diagnostics and are aided by qualified and experienced technicians.
  • A turnaround time of around 4 hours for regular samples and 1 hour or less in instances of emergency is maintained.

Quality Assurance:

  • Reporting of the samples is done only after two levels of internal quality controls pass quality checks. Reports are stored in a database and issued in typed format.
  • The lab takes part in external quality assurance schemes like CMC EQAS, AIIMS etc.
  • All NABH recommended standards are followed and 8-10 quality indicators are maintained on a regular basis.


  • The Central Laboratory plays a major role in faculty research, postgraduate research and dissertations, STS projects and undergraduate research.
  • Practical training programmes for Allied Health Sciences and paramedical courses of the Institute and short-term training programmes for students from other institutions in branches of Biotechnology, MLT and Biomedical Engineering are conducted.

Best practices:

  • Providing zero error 24×7 central laboratory diagnostic services to enhance patient care.