AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

22nd to 27th August: Gurudhakshata Faculty Induction Program

Gurudhakshata, a faculty induction program (FIP), was planned, organised and conducted per UGC norms by Medical Education Unit, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital, and VMRF for five days from 22 to 24, 26 & 29th August 2022. The first day started with registration at 8.30 am on 22.08.2022, followed by a pre-test by all participants.

Prof P.F. Kotur, Dean AVMC, emphasised the main objective of the mandatory faculty induction programme. It is to sensitise and motivate the faculty to adopt learner-centred approaches, ICT integrated learning and new educational systems to teaching-learning assessment tools in higher education.

Dr V.N. Mahalakshmi, Dean of Health Professions Education, spoke on the need for FIP-Gurudhakshata and its importance for a newly recruited faculty to undergo Faculty Induction Programme in HE institutions.