AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

Department Of

The Department of Physiology is strategically positioned in a prime area of the college premises. The department is involved in handling undergraduate teaching and learning activities which deals with hematology, clinical, amphibian, mammalian and research laboratories. The department holds the credit of quality teaching in providing diverse immersive learning experience to the MBBS students in adapting to newer and novel teaching learning methodologies as per the NMC and CBME norms.

The infrastructure like lecture complex and laboratories have been constructed as per the recommendations of the NMC with advanced Information communication tools.  The hematology, amphibian, clinical and mammalian laboratories can almost accommodate 80- 100 students at a time. The hematology laboratory has the latest standard binocular self-illuminated student microscopes complemented with surplus export-grade glassware and reagents. We maintain good laboratory practices (GLP) and are maintained by a set of dedicated staff members and trained technicians. The amphibian and mammalian laboratories look forward to implementing near-real virtual simulations in the near future. The faculty involved in teaching learning and research are having vast educational experience graduated from renowned institutions like JIPMER Puducherry, MAMC New Delhi, MAHER Manipal and RIMS Imphal.  The clinical laboratory equipped with standard instruments provides students with the right ambience to do clinical examinations. In addition to the facilities mentioned, each laboratory has well-furnished audio-visual aids which promote small group interactions, thus facilitating individual student attention. Every student has ample space to work in with excellent aesthetics and work ergonomics.

 The department’s research laboratory currently pursues many neurophysiology-related studies. All works related to research as well as patient care are carried out in the laboratory. The neurophysiological studies include Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS), Brainstem Auditory Evoked Responses (BAER), Visual Evoked Potentials (VEPs), H and F reflex studies, Auditory and Visual Reaction Time Studies (ART VRT), Cardiovascular Autonomic Studies (CAFTs) complemented with Heart Rate Variability analysis, and Pulmonary Function Testing (PFTs). The Department of Physiology teaches physiology to BSc (Nursing), Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Audiometry and Speech-Language Pathology students. Apart from these, the department is very active in conducting basic sciences classes for all the postgraduates of the institute.

The faculty of the department has many national and international papers to their credit. They are regular in attending and organizing continuing medical education programs (CMEs) and keep themselves abreast of the latest updates in their profession. Thus, the Department of Physiology inspires and shapes students into becoming good physiologists who are indeed to become sensible, rational and noble physicians. The department equally complements the patient care of the college through its laboratories and adds pride to the institute through its research work.

Academic Profile

Department of Physiology offers various UG courses like MBBS, BSc (Nursing), Bachelor of Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology & MSc Biotechnology.  In addition to the above, we also provide basic science classes for postgraduates of other departments. We also offer a value-added course of on ‘Clinical Physiology’ and ‘Diagnostics in Clinical Physiology’ as Electives course as mandated by NMC,NAAC norms  for our undergraduate students

best practices

  1. Creating educational videos on clinical skills
  2. Newer online teaching methods like BlogSpot, WhatsApp group (since Jan.2019), Google Classroom (Since April 2020)
  3. Peer teaching, evaluating and feedback mechanism
  4. Periodic display of 100% attendance holders in the notice board

Unique Features

Centre for Clinical Physiology for Research is actively involved in research and patient care activities like nerve conduction studies and cardio-respiratory function tests

Pulmonary Function Testing

Live relay of Nerve Conduction

Autonomic Function Testing

Small Group Teaching