AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

Department Of

Patient Care

Our institute is a designated Pharmacovigilance centre. Pharmacovigilance is one of the important post-marketing tools in ensuring the safety of pharmaceutical and related health products. 

Both known and unknown ADRs are collected from various departments of our institute and sent to the regional centre, IGMCRI, Puducherry, for further action. We undertake advisory responsibilities, development of policies and procedures, formulary management, prescription audits, and promotion of strategies to improve medication use and medicine safety through the pharmacotherapeutic committee. Regular sensitization programmes are conducted for doctors, PGs, interns, pharmacists, staff nurses, lab technicians for their effective implementation.

In the Clinical Trial Unit, the faculty of the department are involved in the functioning and the conducting of clinical trials with the various clinical departments of our institute.



Undergraduate students are trained using latest teaching methods such as Case based learning, Evidence based medicine (EBM), Problem based learning (PBL), Simulation based learning (SBL), video lectures (e-learning), Peer assisted learning and Observational learning as well as Flipped classroom and small group teaching.

As part of their practical exercise, in compliance with the Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) curriculum, MBBS students are trained to write a prescription for various common ailments, to critically appraise an existing prescription, to select an appropriate dosage form for a patient, personalized drug therapy, to calculate drug dosages in special situations, Pharmacoeconomics, to critically evaluate drug literature & to optimally interact with a medical representative, to communicate clearly & effectively with patients about drug therapy, to report an adverse drug reaction (ADR), and to observe & analyze the effects of various drugs on organ systems using computer simulations in the Animal Simulation Lab in our department. They are also trained to administer injections through various routes, on simulated models.

Similarly, the postgraduates are also trained using traditional as well as latest teaching aids. PGs are trained in demonstrating effects of drugs/interpretation of results in anesthetized animal, interpretation of results of a previous bioassay tracing, assessment of preclinical toxicity data, spotting exercises, calculating pharmacokinetic parameters, designing a protocol for a clinical trial, evaluation of drug literature, ADR reporting and causality assessment, Periodic Safety Update Reporting (PSUR/PADER) writing and Signal detection reports. They are also trained in research paper presentations and encouraged to participate in conferences. Industrial training is also imparted to them at appropriate intervals.

Quiz programmes, student symposiums, continuing medical education programmes, and guest lectures are conducted to update the knowledge of the students. We conduct remedial classes for slow learners to improve their understanding and performance in the subject. Revision classes are conducted before the university exams to highlight the important topics for the benefit of the students.


Students are encouraged to do research and present their results in Conferences/ CMEs. Students are also motivated to do STS projects and are allotted respective mentors from the department to train them more effectively through close monitoring and guidance. All the Staffs are interested in research and regularly publish research papers in reputed journals.


We stimulate the creativeness of the students by conducting competitions on the poster and oral presentations. During the second MBBS year, we cover (i) bedside manners (role-play followed by debriefing), (ii) communication skills (with patients, other doctors and paramedical staff), (iii) coping skills, and (iv) ethical dilemmas (discussions based on case studies).

Special cases are prepared to depict common ethical dilemmas, with the aim of making the students aware of basic ethical principles such as autonomy, beneficence, justice and non-malfeasance.

Well Being:

Mentor—mentee programme is conducted regularly for the students for their academic and emotional support.

CME Programmes / Guest Lectures / Conferences / Seminars / Workshop Organized
S.No Name   of activities Type of activities Level of the program (National/International/State) Date Number of participants
1. Drug induced liver injury CME State 18.7.2018 230
2. Clinical trials in research- students point of view CME State 28.01.2021 222
3. Pharmacovigilance week celebration Awareness programme Institutional 23.9.2021 96
4. FAQs in hypertension Guest lecture State 26.9.2023 193
5. Good clinical practice Training program University 2.11.2023 101
6. Mood, movements and medications CME State 24.01.2024 184
Dr. M.S Manoj MD (general medicine) DrNB (critical care medicine) Physician and intensivist, Rio Hospital, Madurai

Fortunate and blessed to have studied pharmacology in AVMC in year 2009 -2011. The department gave me the individual care and adequate guidance to have a strong base in the subject, which helped me all the way till super speciality and even in my everyday clinical practice. It is always a pleasure and resource to be in touch with our department. I wish our department will reach many more heights in the future

Dr. Mohamed Syed Moosa. M III-year postgraduate, Department of orthopaedics Sree Mookambika institute of medical sciences, Kanyakumari

Best mentors I ever had, Friendly faculty, easily approachable at any point of time, excellent environment that not only taught me the subject, most importantly how to be a good human being. The advices given in the classes, now I realise that each of those words are true with lots of meanings. Wish the animal research to be taken in large scale

Dr. Anirudh Krishnan M Second Best Outgoing Student in College 2022

Top-notch professors contribute to a positive learning environment, making our department stand out. With approachable faculty and a friendly atmosphere, coupled with dedicated staff, it's an exceptional place for an enjoyable and high-quality learning experience

Dr.Vignesh Ezhil Alumni of 2017 Batch

The Department taught me the Professionalism, Credibility of the Medical profession, and confidence to face the community

Dr A L Darmepriya Alumni of 2017 Batch

The Pharmacology department at AVMC provided a strong academic foundation, instilling a sense of competitiveness and curiosity among students. The approachable nature of the faculty and their lasting connections have been instrumental in my ongoing growth and success. I am grateful for their mentorship beyond the classroom, which continues to drive my journey.