AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

Department Of

Facilities for Teaching & Learning

The Department of Ophthalmology is equipped with a spacious demo hall with an LED projector, with an internet facility for the teaching and learning process. The department library has recent editions of reference and textbooks housed in a well-ventilated student’s study area. Resources like ProQuest, Scopus and Clinical Key are made available for students and faculty. Students and faculty can access these resources from distant places too. Adequate clinical cases, case scenarios, videos and e-resources are available for effective teaching and learning activities. The department has been given LAN connections, wifi and an additional modem to facilitate uninterrupted online classes. The Ophthalmology Museum too is always accessible for the students


The department is equipped with latest diagnostic equipment such as 3 D OCT Topcon Maestro 2, Echovue AB Scan, Slit lamp Topcon SLD 701 imaging system, Topcon computerized Tonometer, Echorule A Scan, Topcon auto kerato refractometer, Gonioscopes, HD central and Wide fieldVolk Lenses, Lensometer, Slit lamps, Applanation Tonometer, Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope, Autoperimeter, Synoptophore, Digitial vision HD charts. Operation theatre is equipped with state of art high end Topcon OMS – 800 Operating microscope, Galaxy Pro Phacoemulsification system, Bipolar Diathermy, Motorised Surgeon’s chair and operation tables.


Year UG
2015-16 92%
2016-17 97%
2017-18 91%
2018-19 93%
2019-20 97%
2020-21 95%
2021-22 95%
2022-23 97 %


Our department OPD service timing:  Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm, Saturdays from 8.30 am to 1 pm. Various ocular problems like refractive errors, corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, glaucoma, episcleritis dacryocystitis, lid swellings etc. are effectively managed in the OPD and those who need in-patient services and frequent monitoring are admitted and treated. Speciality clinical services function as Cornea Clinic on Mondays, Glaucoma Clinic on Wednesdays, Squint clinic on Thursdays, Retina Clinic on Fridays from 2 pm to 4 pm. Refraction and contact lens clinic, as well as Paediatric eye disease clinic, are held on all working days. The OT services of the department include Cataract surgery, Phacoemulsification, Glaucoma Surgical management, Lacrimal sac surgeries, Lid corrective surgeries, and surgical management of ocular surface disorders.