AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

Department Of Forensic
Medicine & Toxicology

Facilities for Teaching & Learning

The department is equipped with furnished faculty rooms, office, computers, laptop, internet facility, departmental research room, an outstandingly organized museum, full-time operational staff library and a huge student laboratory in association with the Department of Pathology, a spacious demo room with OHP, LCD projectors which can comfortably seat about 75 students. The department has a separate mortuary block with all the required amenities.

The department has got a vast collection of bones, which helps the students to learn with ease. The department has got a variety of wet specimens, models & charts which improves the students understanding regarding Forensic Medicine. The standard collection of poisons and a well maintained toxic plants garden are the attractive features of the department, regarding the teaching and learning facility.

Apart from the routine large group teachings, faculty use innovative methods of teachings like mock courts, role plays, flipped classes, value-added courses, hands-on autopsy training. Latest E tools like Kahoot and mentimeter are used for assessments.


2020-21 (Main)95%
2020-21 (Add)100%


Though our department is not directly involved in patient care services, the faculty are actively involved in rendering expert advice on medico-legal cases and clinical forensic cases admitted/treated by various clinical departments.

Services rendered are 

  1. Expert advice on  issuance of Wound Certificate
  2. Expert advice to tackle cases brought dead
  3. Expert advice on issuance of Drunkenness Certificate
  4. Expert advice on  issuance of sickness/fitness certificate
  5. Expert advice for sexual offence examination
  6. Expert advice on consent related issues.