Camu Lms

- CAMU is a software service that enables institutions to go digital with the administration and classroom processes, with staff using mobile apps to perform daily activities.
- It offers a unique combination of features addressing the needs of educational institutions.
- Encompasses the processes prescribed for NAAC, NBA and MQA
- Outcome-based education
- CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate)
- Bloom’s taxonomy—based assessments
- Fully flexible choice—based credit system
- Controller of examinations supporting multiple regulations of the university.
- Mobile first design
- Key performance indicators available real time on mobile apps
- Cloud solution accessible anywhere, anytime
- Multi-campus enabled — manage all campuses at the same time
- Along with a solution for academics, CAMU offers other services required to run an educational organisation; like enquiries, admissions (online too), academic planning, attendance, syllabus plans, clinical postings, examination and results, online assessments, staff record, student record, health record, student activities, billing and revenue, co-curricular activities and many more.
- CAMU is offered both as a mobile app and also as a web application that can be used on desktop computers.
Impact of CAMU in the Education Space
- Staff perform the classroom activities on mobile apps; e.g. attendance, homework, exam mark entry, notes of lessons, curriculum design and delivery, syllabus plan + full administration.
- NO DATA ENTRY for staff. Just touch and use the app on mobile apps
- A single dashboard presents to the Principal the entire status of all classroom activities – one snapshot of the complete status