AVMC & Vinayaka Karkinos Oncology Institute jointly conducted a Cancer awareness and screening camp at Abishekapakkam community on 26.01.2024. HPV DNA screening for cervical cancer, FIT test for colorectal cancer, and other screening tests for breast, oral and (PSA)prostate cancers were offered free of cost to the public in addition to treating general ailments. The camp greatly benefited women’s self-help group members and women. One beneficiary who was unaware of her oral cancer was identified by Onco surgeon on-site and referred from camp for management to AVMC.
Dr Rakesh Sehgal, Dean, Dr VN Mahalakshmi, Dean HPE, Dr PF Kotur, Provost, Dr D Arunachalam, HOD, CM, Dr Arun Daniel, Professor, Community Medicine AVMCH, Dr Deepa HOD, OG, Dr Paul Sebastian, Dr Malini, Dr Eswar Mr Kathiravan of Karkinos team and Dr Lokesh Balaji MO, hosted the inauguration along with Pothiamman temple Organisation and village self-help group leadership members at Abishekapakkam, AVMCH.
The camp benefited 200 participants. Dr Arun Daniel, Professor of Community Medicine, and Mrs. Jayanthi, Camp co-ordinator, AVMCH, made the camp arrangements.
