Archives - 2022

15th August: 76th Independence DAY Celebrations – 2022 The 76th day of Independence was celebrated by the National Service Scheme of Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital organized various activities under Azadi
Community Based Tuberculosis Active case finding training program
Department of Community Medicine on 05.08.2022 organised “ Community Based Tuberculosis Active Case Finding Training Program “Dr. Anandaraj Asst. Prof. Dept. of Community Medicine, IGMCRI,
August 8: FFF Series 15 Episode 101
On successful completion of The Scientifique society of AVMC conducted its 101st Forefront of Future Frontiers on 05.08.2022. Dr. Deepa Shanmugam, President of Scientifique Society
Dr. A.S. Ganesan Rolling Trophy – Tournament
Student Council of AVMCH organised INTRA – COLLEGE CRICKET Tournament – inaugurated on 01.08.2022 by Dr. P.F. Kotur Dean, AVMC. Students from All Colleges on

1st Aug – 7th Aug, 2022: Breast feeding week
World Breastfeeding Week celebration jointly organised by the Department of Paediatrics, Community Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology was inaugurated with an awareness campaign at OD

Cervical Cancer awareness program
Institutional Innovation Committee , Women Empowerment cell, Department of Community Medicine, Rotaract club of AVMC, Rotary Club- beach, Puducherry jointly organised Cervical Cancer awareness program
28th July: IIC Organised Guest Lecture by Mr Venkat Venkatakrishnan
Artificial Intelligence-driven Innovation Revolution: How to leverage the opportunity and mitigate the risk?

26th July, Need Based Training Program. Provident fund E- filing
The Department of Human Resources has conducted Need Based Training program on the topic “ Provident Fund – E- filing” for all Non-Teaching staff of

21st July: PG symposia
Multi-disciplinary PG symposia were conducted on 21.07.2022 at Multi-purpose hall for all the PG students by the department of PG coordinator. Dr. Shiva Assc. Prof.
20 July: Inauguration of AVMC Palliative Care Centre
Aarupadai Veedu Medical college in collaboration with Pallium India inaugurated the Palliative Care Centre at “B” Block of AVMC hospital on 20th July 2022. The

19th August: OSCE Masterclass
Home OSCE – Masterclass Course Goal To enable participants to gain a comprehensive understanding of OSCEs and develop a sound set of skills in design,
19 July: Workshop on Opioid Availability for the UT of Pondicherry
Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry, in collaboration with Pallium, India, conducted a workshop in association with the department of drugs control, Govt of

Cultural Audition on 16th July 2022
The Cultural Wing of the Students council, under the guidance of Faculty advisor Dr Arun Daniel, associate professor of Community Medicine and cultural secretaries of

13 july, Medical Camp
The General Screening camp for the mental inmates of “Oasis trust” in Cuddalore was organised by the camp team of AVMCH on 13.07.2022. The camp
10 July to 20th July: 10 Days Foundation Course on Palliative Medicine
The ten days Foundation Course on Palliative Medicine started on 11th July 2022 and till 20th July 2022. The course started with an inaugural function

July 8: Celebrating 100 Episodes of Forefront of Future Frontiers – A Medical Webinar Series
The Forefront of Future Frontiers of AVMC celebrated its 100 episode on 08.07.2022 on topic ‘Future of Healthcare Simulation’ – An overview by
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