AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

workshop-Inter-professional Educational for Collaboration

FD Workshop: Interprofessional Education for Collaboration

IQAC and MEU in joining collaboration organized a faculty development workshop on “Interprofessional Education for collaboration”, on 28.04.2022 at MEU seminar hall, resourced by  Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Aimst University, Malaysia.  This workshop was held for the participants to explain the importance of aligning health professional education with the needs of clinical practice, consumers, and the healthcare delivery systems. Innovation in Interprofessional Education in impact patients and population health. To explore Interprofessional Education with regards to curriculum, pedagogy, and organizational culture. Welcome address by Dr. B. Vishnu Bhat DMR, AVMC, opening remarks on Why focus on Interprofessional Education by Dr. P.F. Kotur Dean, AVMC.  The chief guest delivered his speech on Making the Case for Interprofessional Education through Educational innovation & reforms.  An open discussion was held on the topic discussed and all the participants participated in the question and answer session.