AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

IPR Awareness

IIC Webinar on ‘IPR Awareness’ by Ms. Nekita Kumari

AVMC Institution Innovation council organized IPR Awareness on 23.04.2022 as a webinar in collaboration with the National IP Awareness mission of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry by Ms. Nekita Kumari, Examiner of Patents & Designs government Engineering college, Ajmer, Rajasthan. The program started with a prayer by Ms. Sreelakshmi Nair II year – MBBS, Welcome Address by Ms. Muskan Raja II year MBBS.  Ms. Kalyani Savner of II year introduced the Cheif Speaker.  Ms. Nekita Kumari gave her address and spoke on the topic “ IPR Awareness”.  Dr. Pushpa Kotur, convener of IIC, AVMCH gave a complete summary of the topic discussed, Dr. Vishnu Bhat Director of Medical Research and President of IIC gave his closing remarks and thanked the speaker.  As a final count, Mr. Bt. Somnath II year MBBS gave the vote of thanks to all the participants of the Webinar.