AVMC – Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital

fff-89 episode

Forefront of Future Frontiers – Web Series Episode 89

14th Webinar Series 89th episode of FFF was conducted by the Scientifique society of AVMC on Apr 22, 2022. Dr. Mamatha M. Lala Head and Senior consultant Pediatrician, QB Bhabha Hospital, Bandra, Maharastra on the topic “Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV”.  she explained the prevention, Impact of HIV, Mother to child transmission, Vertical Transmission, Factors that increase the “Risk of MTCT” and so on. 112 participants benefited from the session.  Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi Dean HPE, AVMC, hosted the session.  Dr. P.F. Kotur Dean, AVMC welcomed the resource person and participants, Dr. Vishnu Bhatt Director, of Research medicine introduced the speaker.