World Health Day 2023 highlighted the importance of ‘Health for all’. The Department of Community Medicine of AVMC &H organised a CME on April 6th at Smt. Annapoorani Mini Auditorium to discuss various aspects of this theme.
The CME was graced by Dr. P.F. Kotur, DEAN, AVMCH,. Dr.Rajan Rushender, Organizing Chairman and HOD of Community Medicine, welcomed the dignitaries and the audience and explained the objectives of the CME. Dr.J.ArunDaniel, Professor of Community Medicine, gave a brief overview of the WHO Themes and their relevance to the current scenario.
Dr.S.Deepa, HOD of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, AVMCH, Dr.K.Sathyamoorthy, District Psychiatrist and District Mental Health Programme Coordinator, in Cuddalore, Dr.A.Arthy, Assistant Professor of Forensic Medicine, addressed various topics and discussed the queries of the audience. Dr. T. Vignesh, Assistant Professor of Community Medicine, gave vote of thanks
The Department of Community Medicine of AVMCH conducted a Nationwide Quiz Contest on “World Health Day” for MBBS students. The elimination round was conducted on April 5th, 2023, at Smt. Annapoorani Mini Auditorium, AVMC &H. The four topmost teams were selected for the final round. The winners of the Quiz Competition were Deshmukh Amogh Prashant, Vishwa T, Amutha vel, IV MBBS students who were awarded Cash Prizes of Rs. 3000/- & Gold Medals. The runners were Lily Davis, Kalyani Savner, and Solomon Davis, III MBBS Students, awarded with Cash Prize of Rs.1500 & Silver Medals. The Participant’s certificates were given to all the elimination round participants, and a certificate of merit was given to final round quiz participants.